our team

arianne beekman
managing partner

arianne is a stickler for detail and makes sure to keep our clients and our team on their toes. she goes for broke, thinks on her feet, and never finds herself at a loss for words. she is attentive to those around her. as a fitness and exercise enthusiast, she has energy for days. a dairy lover, no lunch is complete for her without cheese and buttermilk.

sophie jurvillier

the unflappable sophie (‘social soph’) is a glass-half-full kind of girl who likes to work systematically and methodically (she’s an avid list maker). A gifted writer whom you can entrust with any job, her off-duty interests including breaking a sweat during spinning classes and jetting off to various exotic destinations.

susanne gribnau-hendricks

susanne scans the media for relevant news on our clients. she’s our very own inspector gadget, is witty without even trying, and is refreshingly plainspoken. suus (as we affectionately like to call her) always has everyone’s back.

laura de kwant

jochem rotteveel

arguably the most creative member of our team, jochem is happiest when he gets to work on developing creative concepts and strategies. one of his many talents is keeping everything under control: he’s a wizard when it comes to bringing order to chaos. in addition to his work for 2twintig, he also creates colourful murals. he has exhibited his stunning pieces (made from foil and tape) in rotterdam, berlin, madrid, and shanghai. an empathetic listener, he is generous in sharing his valuable, honest, and practical advice in any number of areas.

maxime van der ploeg

maxime is a superstar when it comes to putting together events. she doesn’t miss a beat and is a consummate organizer, as well as being our ‘influencer guru’. an honorary member of our party planning committee, she is the proverbial life of the party herself. she’s always the first to find out about any hot new spots in rotterdam, loves animals, and somehow always ends up in really bizarre situations, about which she can tell you the most entertaining stories.

paulien lockhorn

With her typical 'Brabantse' down to earth caracter, 'our Paulien' is the cheerful spirit in our office. She always gets up (on time) on the right side of the bed, and is not easily shaken. Paulien often comes up with fresh insights and does not shy away from a challenge. She comes up with the most original ideas and creative solutions. She is great at making veggie sandwiches and if you want tips for the nicest cafes and restaurants in Breda, you can definitely turn to her.

sanne how

Sanne is a go-getter and likes to roll up her sleeves. She is smart, sees opportunities in everything, is practical and does not take no for an answer. You can have a good laugh with her and she is never quiet. She is always cheerful and combines working at 2twintig with life as an eternal student.

britt kennedie

speed and efficiency are britt’s middle names: she’s the busy person you ask to get the job done, knowing that not only will the result be impeccable; she will also pick up any other jobs lying around. she will go above and beyond, is endlessly resourceful, a clear communicator who always ‘walks the talk’. Spirited and upbeat, she never fails to brighten up our office with her colourful outfits. her ‘foods you can wake her up for in the middle of the night’ (though we never have) are curries and cheese fondue.

inge baars

inge’s passion is infectious, whether she’s trying to drum up interest in an interview or launching a new concept. she’s always astute, but especially when it comes down to the wire, and has heaps of experience. we couldn’t imagine our office without her, as she’s been part of the team for many years. she never fails to make us laugh with her deadpan humour, and one of her favourite challenges is scoring the most beautiful designs around.

tamira van woerden
managing partner

cool-headed and unperturbable, tamira has a solution to everything. she’s a joy to work with, both as a consultant to our clients and as a co-worker. tamira is living her best life (with the biggest heart and a laugh to match). You can rely on her to scout out the most fabulous hot spots all over the world.