
Network operator Stedin wants to encourage consumers to use energy when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. Because at those times a lot of energy is available, which would otherwise be delivered back to the grid. With all the associated technical problems.

That is why we placed a “Zonnerette” for Stedin in the heart of Rotterdam: a laundromat that runs entirely on solar energy. Consumers could use this Zonnerette for free for a week to wash their dirty clothes.

The message to the public: ‘use the sustainably generated energy when it’s there’. A clear message for consumers, but for journalists the social urgency was still missing.

That is why we chose the approach to the media: ‘only together can we prevent peak loads on the power grid’ with the concrete action perspective: ‘do the laundry when the sun shines’.

Dozens of journalists and photographers came to the media kick-off or reported on it. All the media attention we generated achieved a PR value of €782,909 and an ROI of over 20.